As the knight awaits news the rain begin to shower from the sky and lands upon the roof of the chapel.So was the feeling i had within which sounded just like the sound of rain droplets landing on the roof.Pieces of me could be scattered into different continents like a shatered glass on the floor.Could i not think of anything other than this?
Signals through the mountains from Eriador to Annor show no promising signs.Then came a news through it that the heart may have well been taken away by another with higher grace.Like shatered glass was the feeling.Fate has deemed it so or was it fated to be challenged.Of either both i will never know.
I will ride to challenge into the west to reclaim the heart.As one i go but not return as a broken shield.The journey is winding and dark.Of i depart now i must.As the knight awaits the fateful reply from the heart.
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7 years ago