Our national education system has been designed to fail us Malaysians right from the very beginning of the implementation of it's policies upon us.Many of us have to go through many stages of the national examination in our lives notably the UPSR,PMR and SPM.If you are unlucky enough you might go through the toughest of the whole lot which is the STPM.
Not to belittle these exams or the lessons we have learned throughout the eleven years that we have spent in school learning on the ways that many would say to help us build a brighter future.Truth is all that we have gone through are for nothing.What do we actually learn?That is the question that has been filling the minds of some that have found out the true meaning of learning for an eternity.
The syllabus that were taught are interesting but has it not occurred to some that much of what we learn are irrelevant in the future.For instance if a person does not seem to be in the field of biology in the future ,why should he be forced to learn or sit for that subject in the exams when what he would learned soon that it would not be irrelevant in the future if he would be in a profession outside the field of biology.It would be better that he be given a chance to choose a subject that he knows that he has a potential future on.
The teachers have been on the wrong track for long enough.They have been forced to teach or finish up the syllabus before the exams.I would say that teachers have their good intentions placed on the side of the track going down to Singapore.What is the point of scoring all A's in the exams when in fact the students these days have lacked what is to become a human.My generation and the ones to come are slowly being degenerated into robots.Everything is about the A's and only that alone is in their mindset.Only the teachers can show us the light as they are our guide.If they open the wrong door for us then we are doomed for good.They should pause a moment and reflect back to their time when they were younger and figure out whether this is necessary for us.
Exams are good no doubt.To my humble opinion it is the only way to know if you are ready or not.The situation has turn to be that the students are trained for the exam but nothing for the life beyond that.It's ashamed to know that even degree holders can't get a decent job or worse even a job these days.It all boils down back to very beginning when we were back in school.
Co-curricular activities have also been forsaken for good grades.Many of us think of this program as a waste of time and they think of it as a bonus for them to get into universities.It's neither a waste of time or it is bonus mark provider.It's useful in helping many of the young guys like us to learn a new skill or earn a useful experience for future use.It's hard to describe the experience that i meant but to me it had opened the eyes of a few of us.As i would put it every experience is a lesson.It's somewhere where knowledge could only harvested where the books can't help.
If this trend and mindset are going to persist.Malaysian's are not going to venture far.In fact we will be running in circles.Thus we will only be damned by our own doing.We should stand up for what we do know that is not right instead of immersing ourselves in our wrongdoings.We must be brave enough to resist this dark doing and brace ourselves for a new change which can benefit Malaysia.The words"change we believe in" which are frequently mentioned by Mr Obama in his speeches shows that if we want a change we have to believe.If we believe then we will change.
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7 years ago