Tuesday, November 11, 2008

To Say What I Needed To Say

It's a final relieve that i could get everything out that i have kept within me.It was a frustrating business to be a monitor and a student at the same time.I'm a man with many flaws and never expected to be perfect all the time.So i need them to show me my mistakes like a mirror.Same it goes to them.Therefore i don't apprreciate it if someone goes around my back and say things about me.If there is any problem one would just need to come forth and confront me.A person who could give a constructive criticism is a winner then the person who could not accept it.Thus one must confront the situation beforehand.To be accused as a molester in front of a teacher really pisses me off.I'm a man and i do like ladies but i do know how to respect a ladies body.

As so most of us will be together for another year.We have to learn to cooperate and accept one another.Don't judge a person for what he is on the outside but instead learn to judge from the inside of someone.I admit that i'm a Barbarian but i'm willing to accept anyone into my circle of friends.As for the others who think that they someone of higher status that could not accept me.I'm very fine with it.I look forward to find a more meaningful friendship.At the same time don't ever judge others by their skin colour.We are staying together in Malaysia we should to forge that spirit of Bangsa Malaysia to live as one under the same roof.

As a class monitor,i find it very frustrating to see that i'm the one running when the rest are still sitting down looking at me with a blank stare.I can't just bare the sight to know i have swam to the other side of the river only to turn behind to see that the other twenty three are still over the other side of the river and still have not cross it.I don't mind if they have crossed it even if i have to stay behind to make sure that they have crossed the river safely.My concept has always been one rise all rise,one fall all fall.That was how i was trained and brought up to be.Rank is not a privilage but a burden that you must bare until the very end.

I have walked to where i have to meet them.The questions remains is wheter they have walked to where am i standing now.I don't want any sorry or to be sorry at.I just want to forgive and forget.Let the past be bygone.I want some peace within me.It's time for me to let go and let my time past.At this stage of my life,i have looked behind and realised that i have walked a long road and the journey ahead of me is still long and hard.

As much i have sinned towards others,they too have sinned that much towards me.If i have done any mistakes towards any of you.Please accept my humble apologies and please guide me to the right track.I have finally have said what i needed to say after these six months.